Does a Pool Add Value to a House? Understanding the Impact

Many homeowners dream of having a pool in their backyard, especially in the hot summer months. A pool can provide a refreshing escape from the heat, a fun place to entertain guests, and a way to stay fit and healthy.

But does a pool add value to a house? The answer is not so simple, as there are many factors to consider before installing or buying a house with a pool. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of having a pool, and how it can affect the value of your property.

does pool add value to house

Does a Pool Add Value to a House? 3 Important Factors

The addition of a pool to a house is a significant investment that can bring various benefits and potential drawbacks for homeowners. Whether a pool adds value to a house depends on several factors, including the location, climate, market demand, and personal preferences of potential buyers. Let’s explore the topic in more detail with proper subheadings.

Several factors come into play when considering whether a pool adds value to a house:

Geographic Location:

The importance of a pool’s value varies based on the property’s location. In warmer climates, such as Florida or Southern California, pools are often more desired and may add substantial value to the house. However, in colder regions, where pool usage is limited to a few months a year, the impact on the property’s value might be less pronounced.

Market Demand:

The current real estate market and trends in the area can influence the perceived value of a pool. In a buyer’s market with low demand for pools, the added value might be minimal. Conversely, in a seller’s market, where buyers seek homes with attractive amenities, a well-maintained pool can enhance the property’s appeal.

Pool Quality and Maintenance:

The condition and quality of the pool are crucial factors. A well-designed and properly maintained pool is more likely to add value to a house than one in disrepair. A neglected or outdated pool might even detract from the property’s overall value.

The Benefits of Having a Pool

A pool can have many benefits for homeowners and buyers, depending on their preferences and lifestyle. Some of the advantages of having a pool are:

  • Aesthetic appeal: A pool can enhance the appearance and ambiance of your backyard, making it more attractive and inviting. A well-designed pool can also complement the style and architecture of your house, creating a harmonious look.
  • Recreation and entertainment: A pool can offer endless opportunities for recreation and entertainment, both for yourself and your guests. You can enjoy swimming, playing games, relaxing, or hosting parties in your pool. A pool can also be a great way to bond with your family and friends, creating lasting memories.
  • Health and fitness: A pool can provide a convenient and effective way to exercise and stay fit. Swimming is a low-impact activity that works out your whole body, improving your cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, and endurance. Swimming can also help reduce stress, improve your mood, and promote better sleep.
  • Increased demand: A pool can increase the demand for your house in the market, especially in warmer climates or coastal areas where pools are more common and desirable. A pool can make your house stand out from the competition, attracting more buyers and potentially increasing the selling price.

How to Determine if a Pool Adds Value to Your House

The impact of a pool on the value of your house depends on several factors, such as:

  • The market: The value of a pool is influenced by the supply and demand of pools in your area. If pools are rare or uncommon in your neighborhood or region, they may not add much value to your house or even lower it. On the other hand, if pools are popular or expected in your area, they may increase the value of your house or at least match it.
  • The buyers: The value of a pool is also determined by the preferences and expectations of potential buyers. Some buyers may love pools and be willing to pay more for them. Others may dislike pools or be indifferent to them. Some buyers may even avoid houses with pools due to the costs and risks involved.
  • The condition: The value of a pool is also affected by its condition and quality. A well-maintained and attractive pool can add value to your house, while a poorly maintained or outdated pool can detract from it. You need to keep your pool clean, functional, and up-to-date to maximize its value and appeal.
  • The features: The value of a pool is also influenced by its features and design. A pool that is customized, unique, or has special features such as a spa, waterfall, or slide can add value to your house, while a pool that is standard, generic, or has no features can be less valuable. You need to consider the cost and benefit of adding or upgrading features to your pool.

The Drawbacks of Having a Pool

A pool can also have some drawbacks for homeowners and buyers, depending on their needs and budget. Some of the disadvantages of having a pool are:

  • High cost: A pool can be a significant investment, both in terms of initial installation and ongoing maintenance. According to HomeAdvisor, the average cost of installing an inground pool in the US is $51,000, while the average cost of maintaining it is $1,200 per year. These costs can vary depending on the size, type, design, and location of your pool.
  • Safety risks: A pool can pose safety risks for children, pets, and anyone who cannot swim. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury death among children aged 1 to 4 years, and most drownings occur in home swimming pools. To prevent accidents, you need to install proper fencing, gates, alarms, covers, and other safety features around your pool. You also need to supervise children and pets at all times when they are near or in the water.
  • Liability issues: A pool can increase your liability as a homeowner, as you are responsible for any injuries or damages that occur on your property. If someone gets hurt or drowns in your pool, you could face legal action and financial losses. To protect yourself from lawsuits, you need to have adequate homeowners insurance that covers your pool. You also need to follow local codes and regulations regarding pool construction and operation.
  • Limited use: A pool can have limited use depending on the climate and season of your area. If you live in a cold or rainy region, you may not be able to enjoy your pool for most of the year. You may also need to winterize your pool to prevent freezing and damage during the off-season. This can reduce the value and appeal of your pool for yourself and potential buyers.

Do pools increase property taxes?

That’s a good question. A pool can be a nice feature for a house, but it can also affect property taxes. According to some sources, the answer depends on whether the pool is above-ground or in-ground.

An above-ground pool is usually not considered a permanent fixture and does not add value to the property. Therefore, it does not increase property taxes. However, an in-ground pool is considered a permanent improvement and does add value to the property. Therefore, it does increase property taxes.

The amount of increase depends on several factors, such as the market, the buyers, the condition, and the features of the pool. Some sources estimate that a pool can increase the property value by 5% to 30%, depending on the demand and popularity of pools in the area. The property tax rate is then applied to the increased value, resulting in a higher tax bill.

For example, if your house is worth $500,000 and your property tax rate is 2%, your annual tax bill would be $10,000. If you install an in-ground pool that adds 10% to your property value, your house would be worth $550,000 and your annual tax bill would be $11,000. That’s an increase of $1,000 per year.

Of course, these are just rough estimates and may vary depending on your specific situation. You should consult with a local tax assessor or a real estate agent to get a more accurate assessment of how a pool would affect your property taxes.

I hope this helps you understand how pools can impact property taxes.


A pool can be a wonderful addition to your house, providing many benefits for you and your family. However, a pool can also have some drawbacks, such as high costs, safety risks, liability issues, and limited use. Whether a pool adds value to your house depends on various factors, such as the market, the buyers, the condition, and the features of your pool.

Therefore, before installing or buying a house with a pool, you need to weigh the pros and cons carefully and do your research thoroughly. A pool can be a valuable asset or a costly liability depending on how you use it and maintain it.